水. 3月 12th, 2025

Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd. has developed Minotech, a highly water-repellent outerwear material for spring/summer 2017. Targeting the Chinese and Japanese markets, annual sales are expected to rise to 2 billion yen (about US$20 million) by the fiscal year ending in March 2019.

The development of Minotech was inspired by the design of straw raincoats worn in ancient Japan. It combines the usefulness of umbrella-quality fabric, the practicality of high-function wear and the attractiveness of fashion materials.

Thanks to the material’s micro-garter structure, tiny convex bulges reduce horizontal surface tension so that raindrops smoothly slip off the surface in a vertical direction. Its non-laminated structure provides high moisture permeability, which allows sweat vapor to escape and keep the inner surface dry and pleasant.

Minotech has Grade 4 repellency, Grade 3 durability (after 30 washings) and over 300 mm pressure resistance.
Samples of Minotech will be included among the approximately 700 fabrics and 350 garment products on display at Teijin Frontier’s General Exhibition 9th for fall/winter 2017, “Spirit of Frontier” at Tepia in Kita-Aoyama, Tokyo on November 17th and 18th.

By daisen