水. 3月 12th, 2025

Woven fabric production in the Hokuriku textile production district in 2016 decreased by 1.5% from the previous year to 510.32 million square meters (sqm).

By prefecture, production in Fukui decreased by 3.3% to 188.84 million sqm, and that in Ishikawa declined by 1.3% to 276.35 million sqm, whereas Toyama posted a 5.6% growth to 45.13 million sqm.

In Fukui, the production of polyester filament fabrics decreased by 1.8% to 144.35 million sqm, and that of nylon filament fabrics dropped 31.9% to 12.86 million sqm.

Polyester filament fabric production in Ishikawa decreased by 3.2% to 189.91 million sqm, while that of nylon filament fabrics rose by 1.8% to 64.60 million sqm.

Polyester filament fabric production in Ishikawa increased by 7.3% to 14.47 million sqm.

In 2016, there was concern about production reduction in the Hokuriku production district, as business was expected to be low due to stagnant store sales caused by the warm winter, the sluggish business of department stores and apparel firms, withering passion to expand exports and bottlenecks in the twisting, dyeing and finishing stages.

By daisen