金. 3月 14th, 2025

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced on June 21st the initiation of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations to determine whether imports of fine-denier polyester staple fiber from China, India, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam are being sold at less than fair value in the U.S., and whether imports of fine-denier PSF from China and India are benefiting from unfair subsidies.

The petitioners are DAK Americas LLC (NC), Nan Ya Plastics Corporation, America (SC), and Auriga Polymers Inc. (NC).

The scope of these investigations covers fine-denier PSF, not carded or combed, measuring less than 3.3 decitex (3 denier) in diameter, and covers all fine denier PSF, whether coated or uncoated. The following products are excluded from the scope: (1) PSF equal to or greater than 3.3. decitex (more than 3 denier, inclusive) currently classifiable under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S. (HTSUS) subheadings 5503.20.0045 and 5503.20.0065, and (2) low-melt PSF defined as a bi-component fiber with a polyester core and an outer polyester sheath that melts at a significantly lower temperature than its inner polyester core currently classified under HTSUS subheading 5503.20.0015.

The alleged dumping margins are: China, 88.07-103.06%; India, 21.43%; Korea, 37.28-45.23%; Taiwan, 31.07-56.72%; and Vietnam, 64.73%.

2016 imports of fine-denier PSF from the five Asian countries are estimated at US$79.4 million, US$14.7 million, US$10.6 million, US$9.6 million and US$12.4 million, respectively.

The U.S. International Trade Commission is scheduled to make its preliminary injury determinations by July 17, 2017.

By daisen