木. 3月 13th, 2025

           Pegasus Sewing Machine Mfg. Co., Ltd. will release LaRgo, FS700P series of 4-needle flat seamers equipped with a right and left independent differential feed adjustment mechanism, simultaneously on the world’s markets on January 11th, 2018.

The right and left independent differential feed adjustment mechanism on this oil barrier type, 4-needle, feed-off-the-arm, interlock stitch machine for flat-seaming prevents right or left misalignment of the fabric.

LaRgo is most suitable for sewing functional fabrics for sportswear and similar garments. Sportswear with designs using mesh fabrics possessing breatheability and stretch fabrics has been drawing considerable attention in recent years. However, highly skilled operators are required for sewing such fabrics with different features. Pegasus solves these problems by developing LaRgo, equipped with the world’s first, right and left independent differential feed adjustment mechanism. Thanks to these excellent features, this flat seamer consistently produces beautifully finished products regardless of the skill of the operator.

By daisen