水. 3月 12th, 2025

Teijin Limited has fully transferred its production of primary polyester fiber brands to Teijin Polyester (Thailand) Limited (TPL), a subsidiary of Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, TPL is now the hub of Teijin’s strategic global polyester fiber production.

Teijin’s global polyester fiber business is supported by free trade agreements, such as the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership and ASEAN China Free Trade Agreement, as well as increasing cooperation within the group, including among Teijin bases in Japan and Nantong, China.

Teijin has positioned Thailand as a hub for global operations including not only polyester materials but also aramid fiber production and sales and polycarbonate resin sales, which are expected to contribute to Teijin’s global business in high-performance materials. Teijin is also expanding healthcare operations and conducting R&D into advanced medical equipment, such as artificial joints, in Thailand. Teijin intends to leverage Thailand as a core ASEAN base that will create new values for global society.

The Teijin Group announced dramatic restructuring initiatives and forward-looking transformation and growth strategies in its Revised Medium-term Management Plan in November 2014. Under the plan, initiatives include the transfer of polyester filament yarn and staple fiber production from factories in Iwakuni and Tokuyama, Japan to TPL. Also, polyester fiber production and processing have been consolidated in Thailand and Matsuyama, Japan.

By daisen