土. 3月 15th, 2025

According to statistics compiled by the Japan Textile Machinery Association, the nation’s production, exports and imports of textile machinery increased in 2017.

Production increased by 17.6% over the previous year to 235,049 million yen. Especially, the production of fiber-making machinery climbed 223% to 18,154 million yen.

Exports grew by 19.4% to 256,024 million yen, and imports were up 25.5% to 43,823 million yen.

The production of looms decreased by 10.9% to 44,247 million yen, and their exports declined by 16.3% to 45,005 million yen. Loom imports were up 6.1% to 2,015 million yen.

The production and exports of knitting machines grew by 14.4% and 29.8% to 98,879 million yen and 80,507 million yen, respectively.

By daisen