月. 3月 10th, 2025

The Japan Chain Stores Association (56 firms, 10,123 stores) reported that total sales in May 2018 decreased by 2.3% compared to the same month of last year to 1,067,019 million yen. As many days in May had rain or the temperature was low, sales decreased for food, apparel and household goods.

As a result of slow sales of seasonal articles, apparel sales dropped 8.3% to 83,984 million yen: men’s wear, 16,150 million yen (down 11.3%); women’s wear, 24,270 million yen (down 11.8%); and other garments and accessories, 46,564 million yen (down 5.1%).

Favorable sales of men’s wear items included business shirts, poloshirts and easy pant, while sales were dull for suits, jackets, slacks, short-sleeve shirts and short pants.

In women’s wear, mannish suits, pants, linen sweaters, casual shirts and leggings sold well, but sales were sluggish for formal wear, skirts, blouses and T-shirts.

In other garments and accessories, sales were strong for men’s relaxation wear, men’s and women’s underwear, swimwear and rainwear.

By daisen