木. 3月 6th, 2025

           Speed has become the new normal in fashion, as designers, brands, retailers and manufacturers strive to stay ahead of trends and meet consumer expectations for personalization and sustainability. To support their users in the race to keep up with what’s now trending, Gerber announced the release of a major update to Design Suite, their Adobe Illustrator Plug-in.

“We know our customers are looking for ways to improve speed and connectivity to support their creative process,” said Clayton Parker, Director PLM Product Management. “Adobe Illustrator is a key tool for designers and product development teams. Our latest updates to the Adobe Plug-in and our new UI are a combined element of continually responding to customer input to create an optimal user experience with YuniquePLM.”

A deep understanding of the fashion design and development process drives Gerber’s customer focused innovation process. For YuniquePLM and other Gerber software applications, this approach includes an open philosophy leveraging APIs for integration with key applications in their customers’ end-to-end processes. Adobe is one key example, as Gerber was the first major PLM provider to offer its Adobe integrations through the Adobe Exchange App Marketplace. Having YuniquePLM’s Design Suite integrations in the marketplace ensures users are always up to date with the latest releases for both Mac and PC. The latest update to Design Suite focuses on simplification and speed. Key features include:

  • Simplified Drag and Drop Open for Artboards: The ability to open any image within the plug-in so assets in YuniquePLM can easily be added to an active artboard in Illustrator.
  • Faster Use of Multiple File Types: Users can now directly access and edit multiple file types within the plug-in – JPEG, PNG, TIFF, EPS, and Photoshop to name a few. This improves speed by reducing the need to edit files in multiple applications.
  • Improved Large Image Processing Speed: Large files and multiple artboards can now be processed in the background so a user can continue to work while their artwork is being published to YuniquePLM.

“Our cloud deployment model is enabling us to launch updates and new features every few weeks.” stated Parker. “We have developed a great partnership with Adobe and our rapid deployment model ensures we’re ready to incorporate new Adobe releases for seamless integration with YuniquePLM.”

By daisen