土. 3月 15th, 2025

Outdoor Retailer, in concert with the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), as well as key brands and advising retailers, will not produce Winter Market, scheduled for November 5-7, 2019.

The show will be united with the Snow Show, creating the Outdoor + Snow Show, scheduled for January 29-31, 2020 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, bringing the entirety of the community together.

Exhibitors and sponsors already contracted for Winter Market 2019 will have space on hold and available to them for the show in January, and the annual Outdoor Retailer Innovation Awards will shift to the Outdoor + Snow Show in January. Summer Market in June is unaffected by this decision.

Grassroots Connect will stage as planned at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, November 1-5, 2019.

By daisen