日. 3月 9th, 2025

According to statistics released by the U.S. Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA), International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce, 2019 imports of blue denim fabrics and apparel decreased in 2019.
2019 imports of blue denim fabrics dropped 35.46% compared to the previous year to US$44.76 million. In terms of volume, imports fell 42.13% to 15 million square meters.
In value, imports from Mexico (the largest supplier) dropped 21.82% to US$17.43 million. Japan was the second largest supplier with US$7.91 million (down 23.02%). Italy came in third with a 17.12% growth to US$6.11 million.
2019 imports of blue denim apparel decreased by 3.16% to US$3,734.98 million. Quantitatively, imports declined by 5.44% to 37.96 million dozen.
Imports from Mexico (the largest supplier in terms of value) decreased by 1.84% to US$802.55 million, and those from China (the second largest supplier) dropped 25.68% to US$696.13 million.

By daisen