木. 3月 13th, 2025

Under the heading ‘Living in Space’ and in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and German Aerospace Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR), Techtextil and Texprocess (both fairs from May 9th to 12th, 2017) will illustrate the broad spectrum of applications for technical textiles with examples from the aerospace sector.

Dr. Rolf-Dieter Fischer, Director, DLR Technology Marketing, adds, “Thanks to their extreme durability and temperature resistance, many of the materials developed for space travel are finding their way into everyday products, and vice versa. This is particularly true of fiber-based materials with materials developed for space suits that regulate heat and moisture now being used in sports shoes, garments and home textiles.”

Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt, says, “It will take several years before we can hold fairs on Mars. Until then, we will show at Techtextil and Texprocess products and processes covering almost all aspects of human life, from clothing, via building and mobility, to safety, medicine and agricultural technology – in other words, all those fields that are necessary for travel and survival in space.”

In addition to a space-oriented area in the vicinity of exhibitors for functional apparel textiles in Hall 6.1, insights into the start-up scene and expert lectures are planned. Based on the areas of application for technical textiles, Techtextil will present high-tech textiles and textile processing technologies from and for the space sector revolving around four main themes of Mobility, Clothing, Civilization and Architecture.

By daisen