水. 3月 12th, 2025

           The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme has released ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Version 1.1. Initially released in November 2016, the wastewater guidelines define a single, unified standard for wastewater testing that goes beyond regulatory compliance and conventional wastewater testing parameters. They are the first guidelines to define wastewater requirements for hazardous chemicals covered in the ZDHC MRSL (ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List).

The main changes in Version 1.1 include:

  • Requirements for suppliers with an on-site Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) treatment system;
  • Reporting limits and test methods for sludge parameters;
  • An expansion of standard methods for analyzing conventional parameters, which will allow suppliers to use legal compliance testing data or results for ZDHC reporting requirements, following certain conditions and exceptions.

No changes were made to the wastewater parameters and limit values, but more description and guidance are provided, also the readability of the document as a whole was improved and re-formatted to enable a better overview especially for brands, suppliers and laboratories. Furthermore, Version 1.1 includes guidance on expected laboratory reporting limits for sludge analysis.

“While the adoption of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines in the textile, apparel and footwear industries continues to increase, our goal has always been implementation and action to create impact rather than simple adoption,” says Scott Echols, Programme Director at ZDHC.

“Version 1.1 of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines is being released to make implementation easier by clarifying some of the instructions, in particular, those related to sampling and analysis. The update is based on comments and learnings gathered since the release of Version 1.0 in November 2016.”

The water and sludge limits are currently reviewed and where needed will be updated in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines (target release is late 2020).

By daisen