木. 2月 27th, 2025

Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH has upgraded to Tier 2 membership with the National Composites Centre (NCC) in Bristol, U.K. as a key part of Teijin’s strategy to support next-generation aerospace manufacturing projects.

Teijin originally joined NCC as an associate member in November 2018. As a global manufacturer of carbon fiber, Teijin Carbon Europe is well positioned to support NCC for advancing its materials and manufacturing technologies. Many of their digital automated deposition technologies were funded by the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) as part of the NCC iCAP program (Digital Capability Acquisition Program, an investment program for digitalizing composite manufacturing, increasing production rates and quality while improving efficiency and reducing costs), including the Ultra High Rate Deposition Cell, which has two huge industrial robots that automate the aircraft wing production process.

Teijin Carbon Europe looks forward to supporting NCC and partners on various high-performance aerospace projects, as well as contributing to the U.K. composites community. As a Tier 2 member, the company will provide unique carbon fiber non-crimp fabrics as well as thermoset and thermoplastic prepreg materials for diverse applications in these projects and in other NCC development programs.

Enrique Garcia, Chief Technology Officer at NCC, comments, “We have already established a fruitful working relationship with Teijin, which have consistently provided us with materials, so that we can continue to develop new processes and products across all sectors. This strengthened partnership will make a valuable contribution to both NCC’s and Teijin’s future growth in the composites industry.”

As one strategic focus of its medium-term management plan for 2020-2022, the Teijin Group is intensively accelerating its development of mid- to downstream applications for aircraft. Teijin Carbon Europe has already been selected to supply carbon fiber based non-crimp fabrics to the Wing of Tomorrow project.

By daisen